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Valuation Optimization
Get More Patients with Digital Marketing
Get More Patients, and More Revenue Per Patient
You might expect that more visits to your website will translate into more new patients. But that isn’t always the case.
Search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, and expensive adspend don't often result in a significant return on investment.
Even if people look at your website, they often leave without becoming a patient - and what good is a website visit or an ad click if it doesn’t bring you a paying patient?
You need a comprehensive system that grabs people’s attention AND gets them to book an appointment.
Our client attraction and enrollment system includes SEO, link building, and social
media ad campaigns that produce amazing results, as well as a secret
“Dental Marketing Toolbox” of solutions that enable you to get your website
rankings to increase dramatically.
In fact, our clients often reach the top four results in Google for some of their
Once your potential patients are on your website, we don’t just let them glance at it
and bounce.
When visitors briefly look at your site and then leave, not only does that cost you
patients, but it tells the search engines that your content isn’t interesting to your
visitors, which hurts your ranking.

Our secret Toolbox integrates innovative applications that are provided by several vendors, including site Visit to Chat to Conversion (a.k.a. VCC solutions) that streamline the process of converting a website visit into a patient appointment.
Once a potential patient is on your site, it’s important to keep them engaged until they’re ready to make a purchase - which is exactly what we do for you.
Un-DSO-approved VCC solutions invite site visitors to immediately start a text conversation with a HIPAA-compliant team of patient conversion specialists, so they can create a personal connection with your team, get their questions answered, and book an appointment.
This feature is available to your visitors 24/7, so you don’t miss out on valuable opportunities when people visit your website outside your office hours.
This is vital, because 30% of chats occur after business hours or on the weekend, and 20% of all calls are missed by even the best front desk.
As a result, many of your potential patients wind up hanging up the phone and calling another dentist instead of working with you.
Spending money on a website, SEO and ads, only to lose 30% or more of the potential clients you paid to attract, doesn’t sound like a great return on investment!
What is the return on investment when you use this system?

With our VCC solutions, if you have an average of 1,000 site Visits per month, you can expect 50 Chats per month, with approximately 35% (15) Converting into new patients.
Assuming that the average value of a new patient is over $700, you can expect a return of over $10,000, which is at least 3,000% of what you spend for our VCC service - and that doesn’t even include the cumulative value of a patient who works with you more than once!
In addition to helping you use VCC systems to convert site Visits into patient Conversions, we can also help you to convert your patients from office visits and checkups to high-cost procedures such as implants and braces, and we can help your patients get the financial assistance they need to pay for those procedures.
We integrate solutions from several healthcare expense financing companies that enable us to get favorable terms for our member dentists and their patients.
In many cases, the interest rates have been lower than the rates charged by other patient finance companies. And in some cases, patients who did not qualify for financing with other companies were able to qualify with one of our recommended patient finance companies.
If you’re ready to try out this system, attract more leads, and turn more of your website visitors into patients, please click the button below to access our calendar and schedule a free consultation.